The purpose of this website is to give the potential customer or investor the information he needs to make a decision. The Equator laminar amphibium is ranging from a 2 seater trainer up to the 20 seater commuter in the cabin- or wide-body class with certified piston engine or turboprop.
The Equator is an unusual modular aircraft system. As amphibian or landplane. Perfect for unusual mission abilities to make profit day and night, during all seasons.

The unique design, is the combination of known and proven conceptions:
1. Powerplant Location
2. True Fibre Technology
3. Float-Wing
The Equator is safe, economic, efficient and comfortable. It is virtually independent from prepared airfields. They take-off from small grass or sand strips or water. They fly fast and high for long distances and touch-down wherever the pilot chooses – as close as possible to the final destination: At a beach just in front of the skyline, or in a sand desert, a palm beach lagoon, or aside an iceberg. Touch-downs take place naturally like a glider. Each flight is something special, for adventure, experience and unlimited freedom. The good feeling begins on the easy way to get into the convenient cockpit.
Due to wide and low doors on both sides and in the rear, balanced loading and unloading is simple. Once the engine is started, the worry about a dangerous propeller near the ground or water is non-existent. The pilot is sitting in front of the wing having visibility in all directions and during all maneuvers. It is a pleasure to fly this aircraft which has directional stability like a jet.
If crossing large water areas, the usual subconscious oppression is non-existent and gives room for a new feeling of relaxing and safety. Water is the friend of the Equator.
An irresistible temptation for pilots, who like to fly into the 21 st century with a top-of-the-art aircraft setting new standards. We do not produce the Equator in a large series. A team of qualified technicians build a personalized Equator to order, for each customers need and his missions, complete with extra requirements and special equipment. The price per seat for the Equator landplane is the same as on comparable classical landplane. The price per seat for a Equator Amphibian has the usual amphibian extra charge. The cost per seat mile are favourable.
The difference is, the Equator offers more safety, economy, versatility, comfort and beauty.